fredag den 8. april 2011

Summery of the ESPN video

In the interview they talk about, how the founder of ESPN started the company, and it is not always that easy. But you have to keep your head up, and keep up the good work. Then your dream will come true. Sports is a very hard industry to come into, but he talks about how you should do and gives to advices.

torsdag den 2. december 2010

Questions and mind map world cup 2010

English questions
Tamara Thompson
10.F SØS

World cup
·        The balls for the world cup 2010 was adidas balls and they were called Jabulani.
·        The world cup wasnt held in 1942 and 1946 because of the 2. war, and because of the finacial problems.
·        The top 3 winners in the World cup since 1930 is Brazil who won 5. Italy with 4 and Germany with 3.
·        The world cup 2010 was hosted in South Africa, Which was decided by a lot of people around the world. The cup was won by Spain.
·        Adidas have developed the ball since 1970.

South Africa

·        Apartheid is a period were the white people had the “power” over the black people, they treated the black people as animals and used them as slaves. They didn’t allow black people to drive the same bus, eat at the same restaurant or even use the same hospitals as the white people.
·        The world cup 2010 was held from the 11 th June to the 11 th July 2010. It was the first time ever it was held in Africa.
·        Nelson Mandela was released the 11 th February 1990. He had been in prison for 28 years.
·        The 16 June is an official holiday in Africa. Which is called Youth Day, and it is honoring the Soweto school children, it changed the country’s history.
·        The final match played in the World cup 2010 was, Spain and the Netherlands. In the second half, Iniesta scored to 1-0 which the game ended as. Holland was said to play very cruel but even though they did that, they didn’t even get one red card.

Fifa World Cup 2010

·        32 countries participated in the tournament The World Cup, which is held every 4. Year.
·        The biggest stadium was in Johannesburg called FNB Stadium, which could have 84,490 watchers.
·        There are many advantages by being the host of the world cup. For example they have to prepare their country many years before the actual event, because they often have to build a lot of new stadiums, but it is also very good for the country´s economy.
·        Spain won the World cup 2010. They won 1-0, A. Iniesta scoring the goal in the second half. They won against Netherland.
·        The top five players were. Lionel Messi, Diego Forlan, David Villa, Christiano Ronaldo and Mesiu Özil. They are very good and very popular in the whole of Europe.

Brazil 2014

·        Brazil is the most winning team in the Fifa World cups history. They have won 5 times.
·        I have no idea.
·        Last time it was hosted in South America it was hosted in Argentina.
·        There are 3 hands in the Fifa World Cup emblem. It supposed to look like a ball.
·        The World Cup 2014 is being hosted in 12 big cities in Brazil.


32 countries
Maskot Zakumi
Ball Jabulani
Brazil won 5 times
Brazil hosts in 2014
South Africa Hosts in 2010
Spain winners 2010
Held every 4 year
Held over a month
Brazil won 5 times
Brazil only team that have played in every tournament
Italy won 4 times
Germany 3 times
Argentina and Uruguay won 2 times
England, France and Spain won 1 time
The world biggest sports event
715,1 million people watch it on TV
Founded 1930

søndag den 24. oktober 2010

Mind map about the World Cup

Friends, enemies, mates, love, hate, goal, sweat, tears, football, injuries, fans, hooligans, muscles, football shoes, socks, shorts, t-shirts, screaming, people, sad, happy, hot, ugly, good, bad, shouting, megaphone, clapping, songs, rich, poor, coach, Spain, Dutch, Gold, Silver, 1., 2. , 3. , tv.

lørdag den 23. oktober 2010

Rettelser af engelsk stil: Prejudice.

But it was so hard saying goodbye to my friends and family, all the people I loved and always had known, I had to say goodbye too and I had no idea when I got to see them again.
Rettet: It was so hard saying goodbye to my friends and family, all the people I loved and always had known, I had to say goodbye too and I had no idea when I got to see them again.

We all agreed that it was probably best to move me to the school that was in Ishøj, where there are a lot more foreigners.
Rettet: We all agreed that it probably was the best to move me to a school in Ishøj, where there were a lot more foreigners.

But I have learnt to ignore it.
Rettet: I have learnt to ignore it.

English essay: Prejudice

English story – Prejudice!
Written by: Tamara Thompson
SØS 15/9/2010
I am a Kurdish girl from the east of Turkey from a town called Van, which is not far from Iraq and Iran. My parents and grandparents grew up in this area with a mixture of Turkish, Irani and Iraqi people.
I have been used to growing up listening to the Turkish language at school and Kurdish at home with my parents. It can get very confusing hearing so many languages.
When I was about 8 years old my parents moved to a faraway country called Denmark. I had no idea where it was, they just told me that it was cold and no-one could speak the two languages that I had learnt. I was very young, so I didn’t think that much about it. But it was so hard saying goodbye to my friends and family, all the people I loved and always had known, I had to say goodbye too and I had no idea when I got to see them again. I cried a lot as we said farewell!
But it was even worse when I came to Denmark, when I really started to miss them. I cried day and night, and it was really hard for me to settle in.  We lived in a town called Ishøj, where lots of foreigners lived. So there were a lot of different and strange languages. I actually thought a lot about, why there weren’t that many Danes living there, because it was not far from the beach, clean and it had everything that a town needed. I asked my parents how come they weren’t that much Danes in our town, they just said that I was too little to understand. I didn’t think more about that.
I started school in another town, I didn’t know why, but my parents said that it was because it had a good school. My parents were very anxious about me getting an education, it was very weird because they never really said anything about that, when we lived in Van.

They wanted me to learn Danish as soon as possible. It was very hard. I had to listen to tapes all the time, and I tried to speak it in school. There were only Danish kids in my school. My parents could not speak or understand the language and we did not have that much money, so they could not afford for me to go to an evening class, so I could learn Danish quicker. So it took a lot of time to learn it.
The Danish kids weren’t that kind to me, and I didn’t understand why? They didn’t really want me to fall into place in their society. I didn’t really make any friends.
As I got older my parents had to tell me what all these weird things were about. I was a normal kid like them, just with a different skin and hair colour. Why didn’t they like me?
They told me what prejudice was and that it was also very hard for them to make friends with neighbours and at work. It was like people were afraid of us, they didn’t smile at us when we walked on the street, like they did to all the other Danes.
My family had a very hard time. We all agreed that it was probably best to move me to the school that was in Ishøj, where there are a lot more foreigners. Now I am very happy and I have a lot of great friends from my school. They are all from a lot of different countries. They have had the same experience as me with Danes, they are not that kind to us. But I have learnt to ignore it. Even though it is very hard!

tirsdag den 28. september 2010

The yellow face- Notes

1-3= We meet the story-teller and we hear about sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock´s pageboy tells Sherlock. That there has been a gentle man looking for him.
4-6= Jack is afraid that Effie has a secret lover. He asks Holme´s to help him to find out, what is going on.
7-9= New comers comes to the street.
10-12= There is a secret.
13-14= Jack is suspicious about his wife. He goes to Sherlock to get help and advice.
15-17= He gets sherlock to help him to solve the case. jack is very afraid. But he sees a man in the window all the time. There is a picture of Effies old husband in the cottage, and they think that he may not be dead.
18-20= She had no secret lover. It was her daughter who had a mask on. She was afraid to tell Jack about her daughter because she was black. He was so relieved that he kissed the girl, and it was a very happy ending.