tirsdag den 28. september 2010

The yellow face- Notes

1-3= We meet the story-teller and we hear about sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock´s pageboy tells Sherlock. That there has been a gentle man looking for him.
4-6= Jack is afraid that Effie has a secret lover. He asks Holme´s to help him to find out, what is going on.
7-9= New comers comes to the street.
10-12= There is a secret.
13-14= Jack is suspicious about his wife. He goes to Sherlock to get help and advice.
15-17= He gets sherlock to help him to solve the case. jack is very afraid. But he sees a man in the window all the time. There is a picture of Effies old husband in the cottage, and they think that he may not be dead.
18-20= She had no secret lover. It was her daughter who had a mask on. She was afraid to tell Jack about her daughter because she was black. He was so relieved that he kissed the girl, and it was a very happy ending.

mandag den 20. september 2010

Presentation of me

Presentation of me
Tamara Thompson 10.E
SØS 20/9/10
·        My name is Tamara Thompson. I am 16 years old and my birthday is on 10th June. I have a twin brother and an older sister, she is 20 years old. My father is English and my mother Danish, so I am dual nationality and have family in England. I live with my mother, father, brother and sister in a house in Jyllinge, which is a small fishing village on the banks of Roskilde fjord, about 15km north of Roskilde. I have lived all my life in Jyllinge, and find it a boring town. I love spending time with my family and friends I also love dancing and listening to music. In 2008 we bought a house on a small island off the coast of west Africa called La Gomera, which is Spanish and one of the Canary islands.  We have spent a lot of time on La Gomera throughout my childhood. We all love travelling and have visited many different countries such as Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Tobago, Mauritius and Greece.
·        It is very important to learn English because it’s a language, that is used worldwide, and nearly everybody you meet can speak a little English. English is the number one business language in the world so if you want to work outside Denmark then English is essential.  
·        I love speaking English and I also like doing group work with the others in my class.
·        Speaking English: 5. I think that I am excellent at speaking English. 
Writing English: I am not that good at grammar, so I would say that I am 4 – Very good at writing English.
Understanding English: I am very good at understanding English, I understand everything, so I would say that I am 5 - Excellent.
Reading English: I understanding everything that I read so I would say that I am, 5 - Excellent a reading English.

·        I would love to be better at writing English and grammar, and extend my vocabulary. 

Gruppe arbejde: "Danmark har overhalet USA i racisme"

The text is about a Danish man called Jacob Holdt who has researched extensively into racism. 
Jacob has made several exhibits about racism with many pictures. 

"Wake up call"
In 1971, in San Fransisco,he was in a ghetto, and got threathened by two guys holding a gun to his stomach. They wanted to rob him. Thats where, as he says himself, his eyes opened to racism. He thought that if he didn't do anything about it, he would turn into a racist, due of that experience. 

Jacob has no job, and sees himself as a hobo, and he earns his money as a blood donor. 

What Jacob mainly has researched, is about the fact that Danes are worse than the Americans,  when it comes to racism. 


1) According to Jacob the people who became members of the Ku Klux Klan, were people who hungered for love and never received it. We don't think that everbody that became a member of the KKK feels the same way, but some of them probably do. 

2)  He became a member of the KKK, because the clanleaders wife thought he should. We also think, that he did it for fun because we doubt he would participate in the meetings. 

3) We think that the headline is perfect. Because it's short and tells shortly what the article is about. 

4) We think that racism is a very big problem in Denmark! Because many people are racist, without even having a reason to be racist. Also many children thinks the same as their parents, so if they are racist, their children will probably become racist too.  Also in the news you always here about episodes, were immigrants has done something criminal, but you never hear if it's a Danish person. So they make them look much worse than they actually  are.

After you, My Dear Alphonse

After you, My Dear Alphonse:

2) The boys were playing, After you, My Dear Alphonse.

3) It sounds like a very normal family, he has a mother and a father and a sister. The father is working at a factory and his mum doesn’t work. She takes care of him and his sister.

4) Because he is black, she assumes that they are very poor and she feels bad and offers a lot of things to them, but his family is just like their family, normal. They don’t need anything.

5) She thinks that they are poor, and don’t have anything so she offers clothes to them. She thinks that it is rude that he says no.
But they have clothes and everything that they need.

6) – She assumes that he is very hungry, because she thinks that he doesn’t get any food.
     - She also assumes that he and his family haven’t got any clothes, that is why she offers him clothes.
- She assumes that he has a lot of sisters and brothers, because often poor people get a lot of children, so they can work and make money to the family.

7) It is because she thinks that they are poor, so she thinks that it is rude that he says no thanks to clothes and stuff, because she thinks that they need it.

8) She is not a racist, but she is very prejudice just because he is black it does not mean that he is poor.