mandag den 20. september 2010

Gruppe arbejde: "Danmark har overhalet USA i racisme"

The text is about a Danish man called Jacob Holdt who has researched extensively into racism. 
Jacob has made several exhibits about racism with many pictures. 

"Wake up call"
In 1971, in San Fransisco,he was in a ghetto, and got threathened by two guys holding a gun to his stomach. They wanted to rob him. Thats where, as he says himself, his eyes opened to racism. He thought that if he didn't do anything about it, he would turn into a racist, due of that experience. 

Jacob has no job, and sees himself as a hobo, and he earns his money as a blood donor. 

What Jacob mainly has researched, is about the fact that Danes are worse than the Americans,  when it comes to racism. 


1) According to Jacob the people who became members of the Ku Klux Klan, were people who hungered for love and never received it. We don't think that everbody that became a member of the KKK feels the same way, but some of them probably do. 

2)  He became a member of the KKK, because the clanleaders wife thought he should. We also think, that he did it for fun because we doubt he would participate in the meetings. 

3) We think that the headline is perfect. Because it's short and tells shortly what the article is about. 

4) We think that racism is a very big problem in Denmark! Because many people are racist, without even having a reason to be racist. Also many children thinks the same as their parents, so if they are racist, their children will probably become racist too.  Also in the news you always here about episodes, were immigrants has done something criminal, but you never hear if it's a Danish person. So they make them look much worse than they actually  are.

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